This application will help you to find and order goods directly in online stores in China without extortionate margins and intermediary services. Save money by buying goods at sales, use discount coupons and participate in …
In the application you will find your own set of coupons that can be presented at any of our restaurants directly from the phone screen. Tell your friends about the app and get the most …
The Faberlic Catalog app for Android tablet devices is a modern version of the most convenient tool for product selection. Attention! The catalog is designed to work on tablet devices. Correct operation on smartphones is …
KAY is an online store and a network of 28 supermarkets of digital technology. There are 18 KAY stores in St. Petersburg and 10 more in other regions of Russia. We don't just sell …
The full version of the most popular Amazon store is in your phone! Shoppers can access any of Amazon's sites around the world from a single app by simply selecting the desired country store. Users …
We are proud to present to your attention a high-quality Russian version of China's online trading platform . Currently, Taobao is the largest auction in China, and also occupies the second position in the …
We are glad to present to your attention the long-awaited application for tablets and smartphones from Yakitoria! It has already become possible to pay for orders using a bank card. The app is free created …
Everyone makes some kind of purchases (especially grocery ones) according to the lists compiled by a housewife or parents, because it's hard enough to remember everything in your head. It is extremely inconvenient to write …
"Where is the Parcel" is an application for tracking the movement of your shipments. Keep track of your parcels from China, Singapore, USA, UK, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and other countries.
See catalogs on the screen of your smartphone and be the first to learn about sales and promotions. Lokata is a great buyer's assistant: the app makes product search faster and easier than ever! Lokata …