The free currency converter uses OANDA Prices®-the same daily filtered exchange rates used by audit firms and banks. Convert 190+ currencies and four precious metals. Select the Interbank Rate, or use the percentage additional features …
Vkusville delivery is now in your phone. Convenient software with many functions: make a shopping list, read reviews, choose your favorite product, study the compositions. Catalog of products for proper and healthy nutrition.
WomanCalendarLite(Menstrual Calendar) this is a simple program that allows you to calculate fertile and infertile days in a cycle. Useful if you want to get pregnant, and when trying to avoid.
Women's free menstrual calendar in Russian. We calculate the menstrual cycle calendar and improve the quality of our life! Our menstrual cycle calendar will help you know exactly when your next menstruation will begin and …
In order to make life easier for our beloved women, we created this magazine. It will help you track and adjust the cycle. Accurately predict the next month. It will also give you information about …
The Feminap women's calendar is a simple and convenient program for monitoring the menstrual cycle. Now, having such an excellent assistant as Feminap, you can forever forget about paper calendars and notebook sheets, about tedious …
A simple and easy-to-use application for monitoring the menstrual cycle, determining the date of ovulation and the fertile vase. My Menstrual calendar is a simple and easy–to-use, yet thorough application for monitoring the menstrual cycle. …
The familiar and so beloved VKontakte messaging functions are now on your mobile device. Now you can instantly send pictures directly from your mobile phone's camera, and use the map to indicate your location. Attached …
A useful novelty will pleasantly surprise the average user in the early morning. The social alarm clock is set up in such a way that a complete stranger can wake you up with a call. …
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