• General assessment:
    1 2 3 4 5
  • Android versions:
    4.0 and higher
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The device is clad in a stylish classic case and works with one SIM card in different bands (LTE does not support). Small in size, the phone will easily fit in a woman's hand. It is for women that a special mirror application is pre-installed by the manufacturer. A dual-core processor and a modern operating system contribute to the fast operation of the device. The sensitive sensor reacts to the user's first touch, while the device can be put in a pocket: there will be no "accidental" unlocking. RAM with a capacity of 1 GB will allow you to download and install "heavy" software. The built-in memory of 16 GB is expanded due to the microSD slot. The 8 MP camera takes high-quality pictures, because it is equipped with autofocus and flash. Skype communication is possible due to the 1.3 MP front camera. Wireless communication and satellite navigation are working properly. Geo Tagging function will help travelers to automatically determine their coordinates and post "tagged" pictures in social networks. Despite the small capacity, the battery charge is sufficient for continuous operation in active mode for 2 days. Among the disadvantages, users note the lack of official support in Russia and, accordingly, accessories. Download games and apps for HTC J.

Games and applications for HTC J

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