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  • Developer:
    Olga Ivanova
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Putin vs. Obama 2.2

Two people are two characters. Two presidents are two countries. Sooner or later this meeting had to take place! Let's see which of them is the best politician and gentleman. Ladies and gentlemen, meet: Putin vs. Obama! And this time they will finally decide what to do with Syria, Ukraine and Euromaidan. In the red corner of the ring is Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, the president of Russia, aka Rashka. In the blue corner of the ring is Barack Obama, president of democracy, oil and America. This time, the heroes of the famous series of talkers will get all their trump cards out of their sleeves: bear or donkey, Navalny or Romney, Ukraine or Syria, judo or Obamacare, senate or parliament, democracy or socialism, Russia or America. Place your bets, Gentlemen, the battle will be very hot!


- the battle of the giants of thought and the fathers of democracy
- solving acute political issues: Syria, Ukraine, Euromaidan, the Caucasus, Navalny and others
- bear vs donkey - who will win? The latest version of the game Putin vs. Obama download for android.

Features: 3D

Download Putin vs. Obama on android

  • Game version: 2.2
  • Downloaded: 5057
Download the game Putin vs. Obama from Olga … Show completely ...

  • Game version: 2
  • Downloaded: 2329

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