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Star Wars: Tiny Death Star 1.4.1

The official application of Disney and LucasArts together with NimbleBit, the creators of the Tiny Tower game, is a mobile game about the life of a small but dangerous space station.

In the midst of a war in a galaxy far, far away, the Emperor is building a Death Star, and he needs help. Intergalactic wars are very ruinous, and the creation of space stations is not cheap. Do you have any idea how much it costs to build a station the size of the moon?

Go to the Dark Side and help Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader attract assistants, run an intergalactic business and build an 8-bit Death Star! Having accumulated enough money, you will be able to develop an insidious plan to defeat the rebels and capture the galaxy once and for all!

The dark side of the Force will open up horizons for you...

BUILD THE BIGGEST DEATH STAR. Earn money for construction - there are more than 80 types of commercial and residential floors at your disposal (for example, Karaoke Ribot or Cloud City SPA).

HIRE ASSISTANTS. More than 30 races, including Wookiees and Ewoks, who will gladly rush to help you! But not everyone on the Death Star wants to become the Emperor's assistants - some will be quite happy working in an ice cream shop.

EMBODY THE INSIDIOUS PLANS OF THE EMPEROR. While work is in full swing at the top, here, on the lower levels, in an atmosphere of the strictest secrecy, you can create powerful weapons of the Empire to fight the rebels.

CATCH REBEL SPIES. While the Death Star is growing and gaining power, be on the alert: rebels can infiltrate the station - for example, Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia and many others! Grab them before they escape!

OPEN THE STORY PIECE BY PIECE. While the Death Star is being built, you will be able to see videos featuring your favorite characters — Han Solo, Chewbacca, Jabba the Hutt and others. The latest version of the game Star Wars: Tiny Death Star download for android.

Features: Online

Download Star Wars: Tiny Death Star on android

  • Game version: 1.4.1
  • Downloaded: 1855
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