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The Age of Civilizations Asia Lite 1.15a

Age of Civilizations is a turn-based strategy game where you have to master the world.


• Orders are executed before the start of each round. The number of orders you can give is limited by Movement Points.

• When all orders are given, civilizations proceed to perform actions in random order during the round.


• Map
- The capital is one of the most important areas of civilization. If the enemy takes over the capital for three moves, your civilization will cease to exist. If you have captured the enemy's capital, you also get all the areas belonging to that capital. The capital has an advantage in defense + 15% and attack + 15% All buildings in the capital have already been erected.
- Transparent areas are neutral. The belonging of the region is determined by the color of civilization.
- The map can be scaled. To return to the standard zoom, double-click on the screen. If the scale is different from the usual one, you will see a sign! in the upper right corner.
- Use the Economy and Population buttons to view these values. Use the Diplomacy button to view information about the owner of the civilization and perform diplomatic actions (see Orders- View Diplomacy)


• Treasury
- Money enters the treasury through taxes, which are calculated based on the population of a civilization and its economy.
- Money is withdrawn from the treasury for the maintenance of the army, based on the number of military units of your army (naval troops consume more funds than land troops)


• Orders—The usual form
- Movement: Move an army from one area to another. You can move between subservient areas or attack areas of other civilizations.
- Recruitment: Hire units from a dedicated area. Recruitment to the service requires money and is limited to the population of the region. Recruitment limits the population of the region.
- Build: build a building in the selected area (see Types of Buildings) Construction costs money.
- Dissolution: Dissolution of units in the selected area. Reduces military spending.
- Dependent State: Create a dependent state with another civilization.
- Joining: Join the state to your civilization under your control.


• Orders—View Diplomacy
- War: declare war on civilization.
- Peace: to make an offer of peace to another civilization, if it is accepted, the state of war will be lifted.
- Contract: offer a contract to another civilization, if accepted, it will not attack for 5 rounds. The treaty cannot be canceled, even in the event of a declaration of war.
- Alliance: offer an alliance to another civilization, if accepted, the civilization will provide you with military assistance. Use the order to Declare War so that your allies know with whom to conduct military operations.
- Exit: complete the alliance with another civilization.
- Support: to provide financial assistance to another civilization.


• Types of Buildings
- Fort: Gives the area an advantage in defense.
- Watchtower: Allows you to see the number of troops in neighboring areas.
- Port: allows you to move by sea. Troops sent from the port can land in any area, even in those where there is no port.


• 211 Civilization
• Vassals
• Offline and Online Achievements
• Offline and Online Hall of Fame
• Google Play Game Services List of the best players and Achievements!
• Random location
• Random filling
• Random game


• Scenarios:
- The modern world
- The Modern world is Full
- World War I
- World War I Full
- World War II
- World War II Complete
- Custom game scenarios!


• Three different types of fog of war:
- Disabled
- Standard
- Full The latest version of the strategy The Age of Civilizations Asia Lite download for android.

Features: Cool

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  • Game version: 1.15a
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  • Game version: 1.15
  • Downloaded: 2239
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