Survivalcraft Demo on Android is an adventure game that can remind many players of the famous Minecraft. Here at every step you will be waylaid by a large number of animals, among which there will be werewolves, skors, tigers, lions and many others.
To resist the attack of wild animals, you can use all kinds of weapons. Among which there will be a bow, arrows, axes, knives, etc. It is worth noting that the toy turned out to be very interesting in terms of gameplay, since the main character, if he gets into some kind of trouble and gets injured in it, can heal himself. To do this, he will need to get a hospital, in which there will be a bandage, cotton wool. If you need to swim across the river, you need to go to the village and find yourself a boat, for saddling a horse you will have to look for a saddle from local merchants.
Do not be afraid, if your character in Suvivelcraft for Android suddenly manages to get lost in a dense forest, you can always get a compass and see the right direction for further movement on the game map. Also in the game you can dress up according to the weather conditions. If the weather is cool outside and snowflakes will fall from the sky, then you will have to insulate your character with warm clothes.
Among the key features of the game are the following:
You can store up to 6 items in your inventory. This factor will allow you to feel comfortable moving around large locations and discovering new levels and tasks. Endless worlds of Minecraft that were pumped from the PC to your mobile devices, that's what awaits you in the game. The latest version of the gambling game Survivalcraft Demo download for android.