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PlayerPro Music Player Trial 5.30

PlayerPro Music Player Trial is probably the best music player for Android devices. The appearance of the player is able to impress even the most picky music lovers. The combination of a dark shell and green keys is fascinating, all the buttons are of adequate size and conveniently located. Just a dream.

Also, you can freely "conjure" over the appearance of the product. Directly from the program, or in the market, you can find a lot of skins of various colors and themes. When choosing, you should pay attention to the product version, because the player has several of them and it is actively developing, so outdated shells may not be suitable. You can spend more than one hour setting up the Player Trial. So many opportunities to "adjust" to yourself and the incredible flexibility of configurable values can be found only in expensive top-end products for a couple of dozen "evergreen".

Convenient sorting of tracks allows you to display albums, genres, songs, artists and a bunch of other things. The arsenal has several customizable widgets and its own lock screen, which can also be easily customized at the request of the user. The sound quality is good. For its true connoisseurs, you can download the improvement plugin directly from the program window. With it, there are more sound settings and it will not be difficult to adjust the perfect sound. By the way, uncompressed formats are supported.

The player can be controlled by almost any headset, from standard Nokia ears to Air Pods. The trial version lasts about a month. Next, when the player is turned on, the user sees a window about the purchase… But it absolutely does not interfere with the use. Even after a couple more months of work, except for this window, which is closed by pressing one button, no restrictions appear. Most likely this is a bug, but very useful.


  • Excellent sound quality;
  • Several huge pages of settings;
  • Equalizer, visualizer and plug-ins;
  • Convenient library;
  • Elementary installation;
  • Light weight;
  • Russified;
  • Instant activation;
  • The widest customization possibilities.
  • Lock screen and widgets.


Users are strongly advised to completely clean the library and fill it again once a month. After this period, the application can start to slow down (in the interface) and updating tracks helps to solve this problem. Looking for the perfect product to listen to your favorite music? Here it is, in front of you! The latest version of the player PlayerPro Music Player Trial download for android.

Features: Widget

Download PlayerPro Music Player Trial on android

  • Program version: 5.30
  • Downloaded: 815
  • Lite version
Download the player PlayerPro Music Player Trial from … Show completely ...

  • Program version: 5.29
  • Downloaded: 336
  • Lite version

  • Program version: 5.28
  • Downloaded: 323
  • Lite version

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Виталий , Sept. 3, 2022, 1:36 p.m.