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FitApp - Fitness Diary 2.3

Fitapp is your personal fitness diary. Fitapp is your assistant in all types of training, such as long-distance running or jogging, cycling, roller skating and mountain biking, hiking, skiing and many others. In addition, it will help you control your weight and achieve your ideal.

With GPS satellite navigation, you can easily track the route, save it in your diary and view it whenever you wish. Unlike other apps, Fitapp allows you to determine your exact location using GPS. This method of determining the location, among other things, is also very economical in relation to the battery charge.

In addition, this app shows you the exact number of calories burned, distance and pace. With Fitappp, you can also compare different types of sports training with each other. All this data will be stored in the diary in the form of monthly entries. This feature allows you to track all your progress - you can always see when and how many calories you have lost. Fitapp is your personal mentor. It accompanies you when you want to improve your health, lose weight, increase endurance or achieve your personal fitness goals.

BMI (Body Mass Index) is a new way to control weight. With Fitapp, you can view your BMI and check your weight for compliance with the ideal. All you have to do is enter your height and weight, and then you will see your index and its transcript (underweight/normal/overweight). This method allows you to achieve an ideal body weight.

Another feature of this application are sound prompts that will allow you to get an idea of the distance traveled, the number of calories consumed, the current and average pace.

Do you want to follow your own sports training program exactly?
Do you want to compare different types of sports training?
Are you looking for something that stimulates and encourages you?
Do you want to know how many calories you have lost?
Do you want to improve your physical condition?

Perfectly! Fitapp is the perfect app for you.

* Record time, distance and tempo
* Measurement of average and maximum speed
* Calorie counter
* Fitness diary and statistics of your activity
* Voice prompts (calories, distance, current speed, average pace)
* Maintaining your monthly statistics.
* BMI Calculator (Body Mass Index).

Fitapp shows the full summary statistics of your workouts, which allows you not to use a computer to track your own training program. Also, a positive feature of the application is that it does it in the background without interfering with other phone tasks (such as listening to music or writing SMS). In addition, the energy of the phone charge is used extremely sparingly, and you will not need to put the phone on charge after using our application.

This FREE APP will help you stay in shape easily and fun. Fitapp will support you in your aspirations and help you lose weight or maintain an optimal body weight. The latest version of the sports app FitApp - Fitness Diary download for android.

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