A program with which you can listen to your favorite music, which is listened to by users of the VKontakte social network.
Audio Search features:
- Your playlist (loaded when you click on the search icon with an empty search bar)
- Search for music
- Playback
Video search features:
- Your playlist (loaded when you click on the search icon with an empty search bar, not only .mp4, but also .flv)
- Search for videos with the .mp4 extension
- Playback in different qualities
* Taking into account the fact that the music base of the social network is used Vk.com (Vkontakte), registration is required. If you have not registered yet, then when you open the login window, click on the Vkontakte logo, you will go to the page where you can register. Your username and password are not saved in the program itself. The latest version of the player VK Music & Video download for android.