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MX Player codec (ARMv7) 1.7.39

MX Player codec (ARMv7) is a software element for the Android system player of the same name. There is no interface as such in the program. It is only an additional plug–in to the parent product - the MX Player.

It is quite difficult to overestimate the popularity of the player among users. It qualitatively plays even the heaviest files in a variety of containers (matroska, for example), but for its maximum efficiency it must be precisely tailored to the processor of a particular device. When installing the player, it automatically prompts which module needs to be loaded. If the stone is ARMv7 (including Tegra 2), then this is exactly what you will need. You can download it separately, but it is not always necessary.

The only limitations for the functioning of the EMIX Player codec (ARMv7) are the presence of the player itself and the corresponding central processor. This plugin has no effect on video playback by other programs or by regular means. If you have the original player installed, then the add-on can significantly increase its efficiency and performance. Make sure that your hardware matches and download! The latest version of the widget on the desktop MX Player codec (ARMv7) download for android.

Features: MustHave

Download MX Player codec (ARMv7) on android

  • Program version: 1.7.39
  • Downloaded: 11766
  • Full version
Download the widget to your desktop MX Player … Show completely ...

  • Program version: 1.7.37
  • Downloaded: 5755
  • Full version

  • Program version: 1.7.36
  • Downloaded: 3666
  • Full version

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