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Magnifying Glass (Magnifying Glass)

Do you want to make the world around you closer or increase it?! This program is just what you need! The best magnifying glass among all applications! Magnification provides a clear and high-quality picture. The program can even be used as a microscope! The application also works on those devices that initially do not have an approximation function! You can adjust the zoom level, invert and freeze the image, and even highlight the text being zoomed in (for phones that have a flash). The program will help people with poor eyesight to see better! The quality and zoom level of the image depends on your phone's camera. The latest version of the app Magnifying Glass (Magnifying Glass) download for android.

Features: Camera

Download Magnifying Glass (Magnifying Glass) on android

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  • Downloaded: 27535
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  • Downloaded: 6002

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