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Traffic regulations of Ukraine. Official ed. (FREE) 52.22

The official publication of the Ukrainian Rules of the Road, with all additions, illustrations and appendices on 15.04.2013. The ability to install on a memory card, saving the last page read will allow you to read and remember the rules of the road in any convenient place, at any convenient time.

The rules are available in 2 languages - Russian and Ukrainian, also included in the appendices:

- Table of penalties;
- The text of the "Law of Ukraine "About the road rukh""
- Information about "compulsory insurance of civil liability"
- Information about filling out the "Accident Notification (Euro Protocol)"
- "Instruction on the work of traffic police units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 111"
- Phone numbers of the traffic police hotline for each region and the addresses of the departments. Hotline phones are dialed directly from the app. The addresses are integrated with the maps, you can open the traffic police control address and get a route from the current point (you will need an Internet connection).


Traffic rules of Ukraine

1. General provisions
2. Duties and rights of drivers of motor vehicles
3. Movement of vehicles with special signals
4. Duties and rights of pedestrians
5. Duties and rights of passengers
6. Requirements for cyclists
7. Requirements for persons managing horse-drawn vehicles and animal drivers
8. Traffic regulation
9. Warning signals
10. Start of movement and change of its direction
11. Location of vehicles on the road
12. Speed of movement
13. Distance, interval, oncoming traffic
14. Overtaking
15. Stop and parking
1b. Passage of intersections
17. Advantages of route vehicles
18. Passage of pedestrian crossings and stops of vehicles
19. Use of external lighting devices
20. Movement through railway crossings
21. Passenger transportation
22. Shipping
23. Towing and operation of transport trains
24. Training riding
25. Movement of vehicles in columns
26. Traffic in residential and pedestrian areas
27. Traffic on motorways and roads for cars
28. Driving on mountain roads and on steep slopes
29. International movement
30. License plates, identification signs, inscriptions and designations
31. Technical condition of vehicles and their equipment
32. Certain traffic issues that require coordination with the traffic police

Road signs (Supplement 1)
1. Warning signs
2. Priority signs
3. Prohibiting signs
4. Prescriptive signs
5. Informational signs
6. Service Marks
7. Signs for road signs

Road markings (Appendix 2)
1. Horizontal marking
2. Vertical marking

Traffic lights (Supplement 3) The latest version of the app Traffic regulations of Ukraine. Official ed. (FREE) download for android.

Features: Information

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