Kate Mobile is an Android application that makes the VKontakte social network much more convenient. Work in VK becomes faster, fewer mistakes are allowed. With Kate Mobile you are always online!
If you are in the application for hours, there is inevitably a desire to adjust something to your needs. The range of VK settings is high, but does not meet the needs of millions of individuals. Now, with KeitMobile, your smartphone has its own unique VKontakte.
Some features:
This is a fraction of the opportunities that are significant for everyone. Other options are also interesting. A voice message attached to a friend's wall. Audio can be rewound with the player screen closed, track buffering is conveniently displayed. You can sort landscape images. Not to send a link to a photo, but actually a photo. Change the avatar. Sync contacts, edit subscriptions, view subscribers.
Are you passing "dark", almost without communication, territories? Having disabled the receipt of graphics, work with text! The message was not sent and disappeared from the list? The message no longer disappears, repeat sending! The official team of the social network should catch up in terms of service – Kate Mobile is coming! The latest version of the social network Kate Mobile download for android.