This package contains a set of additional plugins for the DeaDBeeF player. After installation, you may need to restart the player manually so that it can detect new plugins. To do this, use the "Forced Stop" in the application settings. The main reason why this package is distributed separately is the need to comply with the terms of the free GPL and LGPL licenses.All plugins in this package are optional, and are not required for DeaDBeeF to work correctly.
List of plugins:
Monkey's Audio Player (APE)
libMAD-based MP3 player
SID player based on libsidplay2
VTX player based on libayemu
ADLIB multi-format player based on adplug
AAC/MP4 player based on FAAD2
a player of WAV, SND and many other formats based on libsndfile
ALAC/MP4 player based on the David Hammerton reversed codec The latest version of the player DeaDBeeF free plugins pack download for android.