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HabraCitizen 1.3

Meet the new convenient application for the largest Russian-language IT resource - Habrahabra! The latest news from the world of high technology, programming, the life of the Internet community; translations, manuals, educational articles - all in a convenient form on the screen of your phone or tablet.


Features and features of the application:

- Light and dark theme!
- Slide menu with the ability to adjust the location (left or right);
- Swipe navigation!
- Authorization*;
- Authorized users can see the number of new comments to posts in the list of posts, as well as see new comments in the post (comments are highlighted in green)*;
- Ability to upload posts for offline reading (with pictures!)*;
- Pull-to-refresh technique for updating lists - to update comments or a list of posts, it is now enough to pull the list itself, and not press the button;
- Full-screen mode for reading posts and questions;
- Customizable font separately in the post and in the comments;
- Almost all possible sections of the site: the best posts (for a day, a week, a month, all the time), thematic and corporate (dirty, new, dirty), questions, events, hubs, profiles of companies and users (with a list of published posts, questions, answers, etc.),
feed*, favorites*;
- Full-fledged resource search - posts, questions, hubs, users, comments;
- Habrakat support
- View the full-size version of the pictures by tap (with the possibility of resizing)!
- Launch youtube videos in the youtube app directly from posts and comments;
- The application does not "lose" its position when reading a post or comments when turning the screen, and is also able to restore a loaded post with comments or a list of posts even if the application was "killed" in the background
- The application is able to "catch" links leading to the domain and open the corresponding section automatically;


* - authorization and uploading of posts for offline reading are available in the full version of the application, which can be unlocked from the application.


Currently, work is underway to expand the functionality of the application:
- Ability to write comments to posts;
- Ability to add posts to favorites directly from the app;
- The ability to vote for posts, comments and questions with answers; The latest version of the app HabraCitizen download for android.

Features: Online

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  • Program version: 1.3
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