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Burned alive 1.1

This book, translated into many languages, is a confession of a woman with a unique and tragic fate. At the age of seventeen, for a "crime against the honor of the family," she was sentenced to death by the people closest to her. About her miraculous rescue, about the people who came to her aid, is this documentary story that has become a world bestseller. Suad is a pseudonym attributed to the author of the bestseller. Souad is described in the book as an Arab woman from the West Bank of the riverJordan, currently living in Europe and a survivor of her husband's attempted murder of her sister. The brother-in-law, instigated by the family, poured gasoline on her and set her on fire. The book was written as a result of the treatment of suppressed memory. The latest version of the app Burned alive download for android.

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  • Program version: 1.1
  • Downloaded: 3241
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