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  • Developer:
    AVAST Software
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Anti-Theft (rooting) 3.0.7118

This app is only for phones with rooting! If rooting is not installed on your phone, use the standard avast component! Anti-Theft. The best free phone tracking module will allow you to keep track of a lost or stolen device, leaving the problem of losing Android tablets and phones in the past.

No need to think about how to find your Android phone, the phone locator function will allow you to find the device and control it remotely. Convenient installation and update wizards (command line knowledge is not required). Also available for devices with NAND protection (write protection to the system partition).

- Search and detection of lost devices on the map using the web phone tracking function (GPS module and other triangulation methods are used).
- Remote management of stolen phones via the web interface or SMS (to do this, go to the page ).
- Remote lock and erase phone memory to protect your data.
- Remote snapshot creation and audio interception from the phone microphone.
- Installation of a notification about changing the SIM card to another device.
- Invisibility mode automatically hides the application every time the Anti-Theft component is activated, so that the thief does not find out that it exists.


Remote control functions are activated by SMS command from a friend's phone or via the web interface
- Remote device lock.
- Activation of individual sirens.
- Memory erasure to protect sensitive data.
- Customizable lock screen text (for example, a return reward announcement).
- Sending an on-screen message to the phone.
- Activation of a hidden call to intercept sound from the microphone (the call is not visible to thieves due to the darkened screen).
- Forwarding calls and messages to another phone.


- Choosing your own name for the app to confuse potential thieves.
- Remote reboot of the device .
- Prevent access to the phone via USB.
- Even a hard reset won't remove avast! Anti-Theft.
- Saving the connection to the data network so that the thief could not turn off the Internet.

  The latest version of the app Anti-Theft (rooting) download for android.

Features: MustHave Information

Download Anti-Theft (rooting) on android

  • Program version: 3.0.7118
  • Downloaded: 2254
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  • Program version: 3.0.7118
  • Downloaded: 1720

  • Program version: 3.0.6897
  • Downloaded: 1217

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