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Lunar Calendar Lite Зависит от устройства

The program includes: The moon in the Zodiac, the Moon without a course, lunar days, planetary hours and tattvas, phases of the moon, eclipses, full moons, new moons, time of sunrise, sunset, lunar sunrise, lunar sunset for every day, nakshatra, lunar horoscope, lunar calendar.

That is, everything that is needed in order to determine whether the moment is right now or any moment in the past or future.
There is a detailed description of how to behave taking into account all factors.


There is a full description of how to behave, what to do at the current time according to the lunar horoscope. 


Displays: the current phase of the moon, the calendar of phases of the moon for each day, the calendar of lunar eclipses, solar eclipses.
There is accurate data on the following phases of the moon: first quarter, new moon, full moon, last quarter.
There is a lunar calendar of the moon without a course for 2013, 2014, a calendar of the position of the moon in the Zodiac with a detailed description.
You can easily find out how to behave when the moon is in a particular zodiac sign according to the lunar calendar (lunar horoscope). The latest version of the app Lunar Calendar Lite download for android.

Features: Online Information

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  • Program version: Зависит от устройства
  • Downloaded: 358
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  • Program version: 6.3.0
  • Downloaded: 130

  • Program version: 6.0.14
  • Downloaded: 2997

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