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Easy Calculator Pro 1.3.7

Easy Calculator Pro is a powerful calculator with percent support. With its help, you can calculate interest: discounts, taxes, benefits, interest on loans and savings accounts, carry out scientific and engineering calculations.

* Instant output of the result: the result is updated as the expression changes.
* Calculation accuracy up to 40 characters.
* Easy Typing: Easy Calculator Pro helps you type expressions by correcting frequent typos and helping you perform typical operations.
* Large buttons and autoscaling of the result font.
* Syntax highlighting of the expression and error highlighting.
* Calculation of expressions with respect to all priorities, for example, 5+5+5*10 - the multiplication operation will be performed first, and then addition.
* Logging of all calculations. When you press the '=' key, the result of the calculation is logged.
* Correct work with percentages (calculation of discounts, taxes, tips, etc.).
* Memory operations.
* Unlimited number of memory cells.
* Smart Button technology facilitates access to functions.
* Ability to work with angles in the degree-minute-second (DMS) format.
* Support for degrees in decimal (navigation) format: d°m.m' and d°m'.m
* Support for date operations.
* Support for operations with time periods.
* Support for scientific and engineering functions.
* A set of predefined constants (Speed of light, mass of the earth, avogadro number ...)
* Support for operations with different types: you can add degrees and radians, dates and periods...
* Presentation of the result in the most convenient way: with rounding, in degrees-minutes-seconds, as the day of the week, octal, hexadecimal notation.....
* Displaying the result as a fraction: 1.125 -> 9/8 or 1+1/8
* Support touch vibration.

For example, calculating tips from a receipt:
250*2 + 90*4 + 700 + 10%

Poker combinations:
Chance to get a straight on the flop: 4^4/C(50;3) = 1.3%,
pocket pair of aces: C(4;2)/C(50;2) or just a pair: 13*C(4;2)/C(50;2)

Using predefined constants, it will be easier for students and schoolchildren to perform typical calculations:
For example, calculating the radius of the earth:

The program supports operations in seconds-minutes-seconds.
40/tan(37°23') - height of buildings by distance to it and angle to the roof.

Operations with dates and time periods are supported:
Determine the date of Ascension (40 days after Easter)

Date of birth of the child (+40 weeks)
date(12;05;15) + 40*7

The amount of time between dates
date(12;04;15) - date(12;01;1)

Convert dates from the Unix representation and back:
ticks(1337070829) = Tuesday, May 15, 2012 12:33:49

The program keeps a history of calculations, each record of the history can be accompanied by a comment, so you will never forget who and how much paid for the last dinner. The latest version of the financial manager Easy Calculator Pro download for android.

Features: We recommend

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  • Program version: 1.3.7
  • Downloaded: 1582
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  • Program version: 1.3.7
  • Downloaded: 1537

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