The best program for accounting your finances! It will help you keep track of your income/expenses and keep your wallet always in good shape. The program provides an intuitive and user-friendly interface that always contains everything you need at a single touch distance. Simply specify your accounts, groups, enter profits and expenses and enjoy controlling your finances with detailed reports and flexible budget planning.
Main features:
- Russian-language interface
- Support for multiple accounts (wallets)
- Support for different currencies
- Ability to transfer money between accounts
- Flexible budget planning
- Notification if you have exceeded the budget
- Widgets: Fluid budget and Account Balance
- Ability to define multiple groups/subgroups for better cost accounting
- Detailed reports
- Ability to make a backup copy of data / restore data from a backup
- Quick User Guide
- Extensions to the application interface for tablets
- High performance
- Possibility of password protection
- Multi-language support
- Integration with Dropbox The latest version of the financial manager My Wallet - My Money Tracker download for android.