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  • General assessment:
  • Android versions:
    2.2 and higher
  • Category:
    Programs » Transport
  • Developer:
    Mobiplas LTD (Платфон)
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    583.4 KB
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Ipopal 1.0.3

The iPad widget gives you the opportunity to check for unpaid fines for traffic violations and pay them with a bank card. Upon completion of the payment, a payment receipt is issued. Information about traffic fines is downloaded from the traffic police database in Russia, Moscow and the Moscow region.


The data in the traffic police database is updated with a delay of 2-3 weeks. The search for fines is carried out by the number of the driver's license and the number of the car registration certificate.

The list of fines is updated automatically once a day or by clicking on the "update" icon. An internet connection is required to update data and pay fines. To display the widget, make a long press on an empty place on the screen. In the menu that appears, select the Widgets section, find the "iPad" and drag it to an empty place on the desktop.

The payment amount is from 100 to 15,000 rubles.



1. Why does the application need permission to receive SMS?

This is necessary to confirm your phone number when paying the fine.

2. How do I remove a fine from the list?

To remove a fine from the list, press and hold your finger on the area where the information about the fine is located. Select the desired action from the menu that appears.

3. How do I enter another driver's license number or vehicle registration certificate?

Press the standard call button of the phone menu, select "Settings" and change the data about the documents.

4. The widget shows penalties that I don't have. What's the matter?

Data in the official database of fines is updated with a delay, and sometimes payment information does not reach the database, and even when paying a fine through a bank. But the work of public services is constantly improving.

5. The keyboard layout does not change (it costs En), so I could not enter the registration certificate number, what should I do?

You can enter English letters, they are automatically replaced by similar Cyrillic letters.

6. Why do I need a binding to the vehicle registration certificate?

The data is needed to search for information about fines. You can enter only the Driver's license number, only the number of the vehicle registration certificate, or all the data together. The search result may depend on how many drivers drive one vehicle or on how many vehicles a particular driver drives. The latest version of the app Ipopal download for android.

Download Ipopal on android

  • Program version: 1.0.3
  • Downloaded: 1102
Download the app Ipopal from Mobiplas LTD (Платфон) … Show completely ...

  • Program version: 1.0.3
  • Downloaded: 1096

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