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ABC for kids 1.22

The ABC BOOK program is designed to form a deep knowledge of the alphabet of the Russian language in children from 3 to 7 years old. Using the principles of pedagogy in the program allows you to effectively study, memorize and repeat letters in an easy way, as well as consolidate knowledge of the use of letters in words.The child, being involved in an exciting and not tedious process of the game, learns not only the alphabet, but also the rules of pronunciation of letters, the use of letters in words, as well as words in speech.To effectively master the primer, the program uses all existing learning tools: pronunciation, tactile work, adapted drawings, illustrations, sound prompts. The program praises in case of a correct answer and manages the learning process.The main pedagogical principles - visibility, accessibility, feasibility and adequacy – are implemented in the specific features of the application:handwritten pictures in the "Soviet" style create a creative mood and interest in learning, the speaker's voicing of a positive and optimistic intonation, tactile work of fine maths to choose the right letter, Acquaintance with each letter occurs at once at 3 different levels of assimilation and memorization: figurative - in the drawing, auditory – voicing of the letter by the speaker and a short quatrain, tactile. This allows you to use 3 sensory organs at once, which significantly improves the quality of the learning process. The latest version of the app for studying ABC for kids download for android.

Download ABC for kids on android

  • Program version: 1.22
  • Downloaded: 4459
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