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VK iHA bot 4.10

VK iHA bot – will answer the questions for you. This application is designed for the Android system to entertain visitors to the Vkontakte user page with funny automatic responses. In fact, no one needs to unsubscribe anything, "VK Iha Bot" will do it for you.


This idea of the developers is still in the execution stage. After all, each response to different types of messages from others needs to be edited in such a way that it is fun and exciting. A big advantage in the program is that some inadequate messages of the same type from users on the network will not be read by you personally, the bot will print all the answers to them automatically. After that, everyone will understand that he is communicating with a virtual "player".

The negative nuance is that if your smartphone is disconnected from the Internet at one time or another, then the version will not work, and naturally, no other answers will come to any unwanted messages.

The main features of the application are the following functions: 1) all applications for "Friends" will be rejected by the bot automatically; 2) the incoming text of each inadequate message will be sent only in a certain amount, and not in full, as it was before; 3) checking for repetitions of accounts that have already sent their applications is enabled; 4) the ability to add to your blacklist those who who deleted the bot from friends.

Every ordinary person whose page is constantly online for work or other reasons, just needs to install the update "VK iHA bot" in order not to accept negative chats from those who simply have nothing to do. Thus, the cache memory of the smartphone will not be clogged with garbage. How does the version react to the multimedia files sent to you? If the audio or video recordings were corrupted, or their operation is not correct, they will be automatically cleared from the database.

Is it possible to turn off the bot if necessary? Each user, depending on the situation, can turn on or off the program at any time. The latest version of the app VK iHA bot download for android.

Features: Online

Download VK iHA bot on android

  • Program version: 4.10
  • Downloaded: 4524
  • Full version
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