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  • General assessment:
  • Android versions:
    2.1 and higher
  • Category:
    Programs » Audio players
  • Developer:
    Alexey Kornilov
  • Languages:
  • The size:
    15.4 MB
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Chocolate VK Player 0.4.1

Chocolate VK Player is the most "chocolate" player. Only Vkontakte every user can find music for every taste. Such a repository of song recordings can be downloaded through a new universal application on Android – "Chocolate VK Player". Your favorite music will always be with you, you can listen to it both through the pages of your friends and in certain groups.

A version of this application has already been developed and released for review by every Internet user. It will not be difficult to understand it, since it is quite easy to manage. After that, the player, if you get used to it, will become the main source of listening to music. A big advantage is its "chocolate design". The developers have tried hard to attract as much attention as possible from a wide range of listeners. Due to the fact that the selection of compositions of different directions and performers has become more accessible, which sometimes cannot even be found on store shelves, the demand for the player will only increase.

Have you heard a song somewhere that has sunk into your soul, but you can't find it anywhere? Don't waste your precious time. Enter any memorable lines into this program, and it will give you a list of songs, among which there will definitely be a favorite one. The cache memory of your smartphone will not be clogged, because the application will not allow you to download the same track twice. That is, the song will not be uploaded again if the user starts it again. The screen will automatically display a list with the music that you have added to the cache by pressing just one button on the screen.

However, there is a small drawback, which is that the memory will save only the last listened audio recordings, for example, no more than ten. After that, you will have to restart them. Users of the Chocolate VK Player version may not like that all compositions are saved in manual mode. But unfortunately, so far the developers of Vkontakte have not come up with another, automatic option. And, however, there is a positive side to this – the cache memory of the device will not be clogged with unnecessary tracks.

Do you need a simple, convenient and designer version in your smartphone for the Android system to enjoy music? Then download the proposed application, which is easy to use and really beautiful and pleasing to the eye, dark chocolate design. The latest version of the player Chocolate VK Player download for android.

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Download Chocolate VK Player on android

  • Program version: 0.4.1
  • Downloaded: 1960
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  • Program version: 0.4.0
  • Downloaded: 1198
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  • Program version: 0.3.2
  • Downloaded: 1487
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