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WIBR+ WIfi BRuteforce hack 2.2.0

WIBR+ WiFi BRuteforce hack is a unique application for testing the security of WiFi networks. It will help you choose and generate a password for the connection, check its security. The application interface is simple and clear. It consists of two parts: Bruteforce and Dictionary.


The first one allows you to work with passwords directly, selecting them manually, automatically or using special masks. Of course, this can take quite a long time, because the number of passwords grows exponentially depending on their length. Great, if some part of the password is known, then the search is simplified. This is what the mask is used for — it allows you to sort through only the missing characters.


The second contains a dictionary of the most common passwords (like 12345 or password) and examples that can be generated automatically. There are different dictionaries for this program, the number of passwords in them is large, so the probability of getting access to a WiFi network is quite high. There are also passwords, often assigned by the system automatically.


The program works with such keys:

  • WEP;
  • WPA;
  • WPA2.


Unlike many other applications of this kind, VIBR really works, which is easy to verify by downloading it to any android device. The speed of selecting passwords will depend on several factors, the main of which is the distance between your device and the router (signal strength) and hardware. On more powerful devices, the process proceeds faster.


The program provides the ability to replace pre-installed dictionaries with custom or custom ones. To do this , you should do the following manipulations:

1. Open the archive (zip) program;

2. Go to the res/raw folder. There are standard dictionaries.

3. Change or replace dictionaries.


Oddly enough, the application does not require superuser rights — this is an undoubted plus. The disadvantage is that while the program is not Russified and the user can be content with only the English version. Warning: Use the app only relative to your own networks! Hacking someone else's WiFi is illegal! The latest version of the app WIBR+ WIfi BRuteforce hack download for android.

Download WIBR+ WIfi BRuteforce hack on android

  • Program version: 2.2.0
  • Downloaded: 28937
  • Full version
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  • Comments from the site (2)
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Жора , Jan. 12, 2024, 12:16 p.m.
Всё работает..
Guest , June 27, 2022, 6:13 p.m.
Это СИМУЛЯТОР! На деле он не перебирает! Это ПРАНК!