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  • General assessment:
  • Android versions:
    2.1 and higher
  • Category:
    Programs » Entertainments
  • Developer:
    LINE Corporation
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    58,7 МБ
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LINE PLAY - Your Avatar World

LINE PLAY - Your Avatar World is your own little world on the screen of an Android gadget. As before, the LINE developers do not eat their bread in vain. It is almost impossible to find fault with the visual design, everything is stylish, high-quality and worked out. The controls and other parts of the menu are exactly what the user wants to see.

ONLINE PLAY is a kind of interactive environment for communication, entertainment and games. Despite the similarity of the name with Google Play, there is nothing in common in these programs. You are simply offered a small world that does everything for your entertainment and leisure. You can log in via Line, Facebook or Twitter itself, while you do not need to create a separate account. After that, you will have to create an avatar that will represent the user in the environment.

To do this, it is enough to take a selfie – based on it, the system will analyze your appearance and create a Persian with the most similar characteristics. It can always be corrected by adjusting the virtual double to the original as much as possible. It's easy to make a lot of virtual friends in the app. What is the same idea used here as in Viber – you can become a friend (read follower) of a famous person and always be aware of his work. A lot of items are always available, a variety of "buns" for the avatar. So, for example, you can dress it up, change makeup, decorate it with a variety of jewelry and accessories. Moreover, it is possible to equip his housing by creating a unique and inimitable design.

The possibilities of the project are not limited to communication and the social component. There are a lot of casual games in the prog, which, despite their simplicity, are very exciting and of high quality. You can occupy yourself for a long time.



  • Excellent appearance;
  • Lots of communication opportunities;
  • Creating an avatar from a photo and customizing it;
  • Arrangement of virtual double housing;
  • Simple intuitive operation;
  • Mini-games;
  • Good optimization;
  • Easy installation.


This project represents a new stage of integration into social networks. If earlier it was, for the most part, messengers, then with Line it is a full-fledged multimedia space, ready to relieve boredom and free time of any user. The latest version of the entertainment app LINE PLAY - Your Avatar World download for android.

Features: Online

Download LINE PLAY - Your Avatar World on android

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