The cex io cryptocurrency exchange has developed its Android application for the prompt purchase and sale of coins. Deposits, withdrawals and exchanges of funds are available to users.
How to withdraw money from cex io?
The software offers to link a bank card in order to replenish the account and withdraw money without any problems. You can also use several cryptocurrency wallets at once and create a template for sending coins to further simplify this process in the future.
The program stores the history of all operations in the Finance section. You can view all transactions and check the balance. There is also data about all linked cards.
In the Trade Pro tab — all your current and past buy and sell orders.
In the Markets section, view quotes and dynamics, as well as compare prices.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to register via the software. To do this, you will have to visit the official website.
Among the advantages of the application, users note:
If your software does not respond or shows incorrect information, check the correctness of the date and time on your smartphone and the stability of the Internet connection. Restarting the program and the device itself will also help.
You can download cex io for android on this page. The latest version of the financial manager SEX IO download for android.