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NBU exchange rates (widget) 0.3.1

A simple widget with the exchange rates of the National Bank of Ukraine. This project has nothing to do with the National Bank of Ukraine.

This is a widget application. You won't find the menu launch icons. In order to add a widget, you need to open the desktop context menu, select "Widgets" and find "NBU exchange rates" in the list. Write about the problems to me by email. It is advisable to specify the device, OS version and firmware and the essence of the problem in as much detail as possible. Screenshots are welcome.

ATTENTION:On weekends, holidays and in the evening, the application displays the rates for the previous banking day, while the sites , display the exchange rate for the next banking day. Compare the dates on the website and on the widget. The latest version of the theme NBU exchange rates (widget) download for android.

Download NBU exchange rates (widget) on android

  • Application version: 0.3.1
  • Downloaded: 1540
Download the theme NBU exchange rates (widget) from … Show completely ...

  • Application version: 0.3
  • Downloaded: 1618

  • Application version: 0.2.6
  • Downloaded: 2826

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