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Frosty Window / Frozen Window 2.06

We present to your attention an amazing, live wallpaper with the image of frosty patterns on the window. Melt the ice with the warmth of your hands!

Now you can melt the ice not only with the help of the warmth of your hands, but also with the help of your breath. Find in the settings and turn on the option -Hot breath, the ice will instantly melt if you breathe hot breath on the screen of your phone or other device!!! The ice will melt if the sensor of your proximity to the phone is triggered, but your friends do not know anything about it. Surprise them with New Year's magic!

Now the service of setting the number of frames per second - FPS is available. With the help of settings - Graphics quality, your phone will not need to be recharged to work.

Settings such as 3D in Motion and Shift have become available. Transform your phone - The Frosty window looks much better and much more voluminous! Latest version of live wallpaper Frosty Window / Frozen Window download for android.

Features: 3D

Download Frosty Window / Frozen Window on android

  • Application version: 2.06
  • Downloaded: 6474
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