The model has a high-quality assembly, the small size makes it easy to fit in a bag. The bright screen allows you to watch movies in good color quality and clarity. A dual-core processor, a modern operating system and 512 MB RAM is enough to make the operation of the device productive and functional. You can install various simple games that are played on the screen in good quality. The built-in memory of 4 GB is expanded by a memory card slot up to 32 GB. The sound of the speakers is loud, clear, so listening to music or watching movies is a real pleasure. It is provided to work in the cell phone mode: you can make and receive calls. Wireless communication, 3G mode, satellite navigation are supported stably and do not cause complaints from users. You can connect external devices or connect the device to a computer using the connectors provided by the manufacturer. The quality of the rear camera photos at 2 MP is weak. Skype communication takes place through a 0.3 MP front camera. The battery charge lasts for 5 hours of active work on the Internet, playing games or watching movies. In general, the owners' reviews of the device are positive and enthusiastic: I like the quality, performance, battery power. Download games and apps for SUPRA M625G.