Aliens have invaded our Land! As many people feared - their intentions are not the best. Despite the approaching end of the world, there are also positive aspects - there is only one flying saucer …
The device for Android users is designed to gain remote access to Windows operating systems. At any distance, using a mobile phone or tablet, you can view any necessary file or get the information you …
Some are ready to surf the web for a few hours on the fly, just to find a sound for their smartphone or phone that would be not only interesting, but also fun and, of …
In your hands is a collection of toasts "Cool toasts". If you want to become the soul of the company, give a joyful atmosphere to the party, or just get a charge of positive energy …
Za Rulem magazine is the main, the largest automobile and men's magazine in Russia by circulation, the leader in terms of readership and advertising fees. "Behind the wheel" has been produced since 1928. And today …
Rarely does anyone keep all the documentation from those medicines that are stored in the house. The pieces of paper are then lost, then deteriorate, then are not present at all initially. In order not …
A storehouse of folk wisdom and centuries-old experience in one device. The application combines 20 thousand proverbs and sayings for all occasions.
Russian Russian proverbs and sayings are apt expressions created by the Russian people, …
In Break Bricks, new sensations are waiting for you, smashing bricks to pieces with a ball in this game, which is guaranteed to become the new and only leader among the arkanoids that you have …
Now, to order a taxi, there is no need to spend your money. You can apply online using this application. You order a taxi from the taxi company "Leader" and "Lucky". More than 30 cities …
Revive the mystical inhabitants of your virtual aquarium! Create a festive atmosphere in an underwater house with ghosts, witches and vampires... Earn money by completing new match-3 levels and purchase everything you need for your …
This game will allow you to raise the sails of your ship and embark on a mind-blowing pirate journey!
Winner of the gold award from the poker gamer!
Take an incredible adventure, chase a pirate …
Minecraft Pocket Edition is almost no different from the usual "full-format" version. Programmers have made friends with the application with the mobile android platform, now we can take our favorite toy with us on the …
Subway Surfers for Android is a world-famous race for your mobile phones or tablets. You will need to help Jake, by all means, get rid of annoying pursuers and get to your destination on time. …
Pou is an application popular among owners of Android devices that will help you have an interesting time. It can remind representatives of the generation of the "nineties" of the famous "tamagotchi". Unlike other games …
Fruit Ninja Free – the best arcade game for Android gadgets has received a new incarnation. This game is a kind of legend, one of the standards of mobile gaming. A lot of similar projects …
Who will refuse to play a part in an old and kind Fool? This card game is the most common in Russia. The rules are quite simple and they are known to everyone - one …
Do you want to go on an adventure in a team with Pony Sparkle and her many friends?
She had to spend many centuries in captivity, and now the Moon Pony finally managed to be …
This is a unique collection, a set of many educational games for preschool children, with the help of this application you will be able to develop your child's ability to correct reaction, attention, concentration of …
Littlest Pet Shop is already available for your Android mobile devices! Once you become a resident of the world called Littlest Pet Shop, you will be able to collect your favorite animals! Bliz, along with …
Skype on Android is everyone's favorite application for fast and convenient voice and video communication with your loved ones and friends using the camera of your mobile device There is a very large functionality that …
The Zona app is your personal pocket cinema. This program is simply necessary for long trips, or just for recreation. Connect to the Internet, choose a movie, and two minutes after downloading, you can start …
WhatsApp is a popular software product for the android platform. This is a kind of messenger that will be supported on all modern smartphones and tablets.
This program is used almost every day by about …
YouTube is an interesting application for smartphones, tablets, as well as mobile phones on Android platforms. With it, you will be able to view popular videos from different parts of the world and listen to …
You can use your Android smartphone in almost any field. A new program called "Navitel Navigator is designed to help you get from one point of the city to another faster. A lot of …
2GIS is an application that can significantly expand the functionality of an Android device. It is a detailed map of several dozen cities with addresses and contact details of firms and companies. Unlike similar programs, …
Zaitsev.No claims: You may not be a music lover, but everyone consumes music! Why surf the Internet, looking for tracks in the required quality, wading through offers to pay for content? By installing on the …
If there is a flash light on your Android device, then you have the opportunity to use it as a flashlight. A program called Tiny Flashlight will help you with this. With this program, you …
This book has become a bestseller and a sales leader for a reason. An exciting novel about the sudden outbreak of love between a young student Anastasia Steele and millionaire Christian Grey makes you hold …
VKontakte is a social network especially popular all over the world. Millions of users communicate with each other thanks to this simple service. Many people want to be online all the time, post fashionable selfies …
Odnoklassniki is a convenient application for all Android devices, where everyone can find something interesting for themselves. Someone will like comfortable listening to music, someone will prefer to chat with friends in a beautiful chat, …
This application is an imitation of key hacking for any wireless networks on the new generation Android operating system. With it, you can very easily recover your own Wi-Fi password if you accidentally forgot it. …
It is very convenient to use the Internet on phones based on the Android operating system. However, what the Internet is famous for is all those viruses that constantly strive to get into your phone …
At the most popular and well-known site The first Android client has appeared for mobile devices! This is an unofficial client for this site.
This application has the following features:
- viewing topics;
- …
It's very easy to become a director or animator. For this work, there is no need to have any special skills and knowledge, and even more so it does not need to have expensive equipment. …
Cool Reader is probably the best reader for the Android operating system. The first impression of using it is a reader that can do everything. The interface is friendly and clear, the wide possibilities of …
An interesting offer from the developers for conscripts of military service. The application makes it possible to count down the days to the desired demob, including hours and minutes, has two different counting modes. A …
A simple and convenient guide for Russian motorists for 2014. K armannaya mobile program for drivers. Here is full information about fines and more. And everything is at hand. The rules of the road are …
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